Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Live, Laugh, Love, & Laugh Again~

Today I woke up thinking..................................
Today I woke up thinking about what I would wear......................
Today I woke up thinking about what I would wear to a dear friends homegoing service.
Today I woke up thinking WOW he's gone! Just like that, he's gone!
There was no preparation, no time for good-byes, and no time for last laughs, kisses, hugs, and final embraces.
Today I woke up thinking...........................
What I would wear became such a small thing when I considered the loss and the lives that will be affected by the absence of his presence
Today I woke up Thanking God for LIFE and another day to get up and do it all over again.

I began to thank God for the brush of my husbands hand that so effortlessly reached over to touch me as I sat on the side of the bed preparing for work.
I wanted that touch to linger as I thought about the fact that forever can be ended without a moments notice never to return again.
I wanted to feel the compliments of his eyes that follows me as I get ready
I wanted that even more today when I began to think about the fact that tomorrow, No, the next moment is not promised
Today I woke up singing..............
It's another days journey and I'm glad, so glad about it. I'm so glad about it!
Well he woke me up this morning and I'm glad, so glad about it. I'm so glad about it!

Today I woke up thinking....................I'm going to LIVE!
I shall LIVE and not die!
Today I woke up thinking.....................I'm going to LAUGH!
God has filled my heart and mouth with laughter.
Today I woke up thinking.....................I'm going to LOVE!
Love covers a multitude of sin.
Today I woke up thinking.....................I'm going to LAUGH again!
A cheerful and merry heart is just like medicine and health to my bones.

Today I am may have experienced a loss, or maybe you just received bad news.  Things may not be going quite the way you planned.  If that is you, you're not alone; however, I want to encourage you to find a place of praise and thanksgiving today! 
You get the chance to LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE, & LAUGH Again!

I pray this song blesses you today!

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