Saturday, December 21, 2013

Tis The Season~

Happy Holiday & Season Greetings To All~

If you only knew just how excited I am to be able to greet you all this holiday season!! I am overjoyed!  My mind is racing with all that I want to say, and my heart is filled to overflowing because of the many many blessings that have overtaken my life throughout this year!  As I began to think about what I could and would say, I realized just how passionate I am about writing and sharing with all of you through the Heart of Worship Blog.  It is another gift that God has placed on the inside of me and again, I am grateful for the opportunity and the ability to be able to share it with you!

This has been an an amazing year of blessings, victories, accomplishments, trials, and triumphs, and I am still here to tell of it!  I have been in the fight of my life and I AM WINNING!  I know that some of you may not have been through the same things as me; nevertheless, I'm sure that you can say like me and with me, you stand victorious and YOU ARE WINNING!

This year I lost one of the greatest treasures in my life, and that was my mother, Evangelist Annabelle Thompson Moore!  
She went home to be with the Lord on March 11, 2013 and I literally thought that I would stop breathing!  I have faced many challenges and hit some hard places in my life, but I've never lost a mother before! So, I sit here today, 9 months later, thinking, pondering, laughing, crying, and still gasping for air in and effort to catch my breath! It's at the thought of everything that made my mother, my mother! It's all of her quips and quotes, her humor, her sassy stance, her wisdom, and insatiable LOVE & PASSION for God!  She truly placed and left her thumb print on my life, and for that, I AM!

It has been the amazing challenges of this year that have strengthened me, developed me, humbled me, built character in me, and proven to me that I can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS ME!!!  With the Love of God and the help of my family and friends I've been able to meet and face every obstacle head on!
It truly amazes me how God has this incredible ability to mold and shape every one of my situations, be it good, bad, or ugly, to work out for my Good!
I love how Jeremiah says it,

I am learning to safely nestle and tuck myself under the protection of my Daddy's wings!  I am finding as I go from glory to glory and faith to faith that I can put all of my weight on Him and simply lay back in the strength of His everlasting arms!
There is so much more that I can say, but I will end saying this:
Don't focus on the failures of yesterday
Focus on right now potential and hope of your future
Take the time to embrace the Love of God 
Make the time to Love on You
LIVE, LAUGH,& LOVE on those that you call Family & Friends

Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, thanking God upon every remembrance of YOU~

With Overflowing Grace & Great Expectation 
for You and Yours in 2014~

I pray that this song blesses you~