Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Life After The Diagnosis.....Healing Conversations~

Happy Wednesday!

Have you received a life changing diagnosis?
Have you asked the question, "God Why Me?"
Do you care for someone with an illness?
If so, I want you to know there is Life after the Diagnosis

Since I was diagnosed with Liver Cancer in January 2012, God has been so gracious and kind to take my hand and lead me through what seemed be the most difficult test of my life.  It has been through much prayer, Love and Support, that I have made it through the most challenging time of my life!  After embracing and walking through this challenge, God has placed on my heart to come together and connect with those who have been newly diagnosed with a life changing illness, and to remind you that there is Hope and Life after the Diagnosis.  I know that the most difficult time is when you hear the physician tell you that there is a life threatening illness plaguing your body.  I know that even in an effort to grab hold of your faith that you may still have so many questions.  I know that I would not have made it if I didn't have positive people in my life to share my heart with and to speak Life to me!  

I want to create a healing environment that allows those that are going through this challenging time in their lives, as well as those that are caregivers to receive and share out of our life experiences and join in the Healing Conversation!

JL Heart of Worship Ministries and the LIVE Team are so excited about "Healing Conversations through Artistry!"  Please join my sister friends, Symana She Speaks, Juanita Johnson, and others as we present an atmosphere of healing through artistic expression at the Refuge Coffee Bar. Please feel free to share this event, and invite someone that you feel may be in need of blessing!  

To register we ask that you go to:  If you're unable to attend but want to sow a Seed of Life, please go to the website at:

I pray this song blesses you~

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