Friday, June 21, 2013

Las Vegas Vacation

Good Morning All!  I think this blog will be a short one!

 vacation is just about over and I am relishing every moment!  I am feeling blessed, refreshed, and renewed.  I am so grateful that I was able to get some much needed time away with my hubby, Mr. Keith Litmon!  Las Vegas was great!!! It was our first time going back since our honeymoon 5 years ago, well it will be 5 years next month!  Wow! I can't believe we will be married 5 years next month! God is so good and even more faithful.  He has kept us through it all, and there has been some good days and some bad! I am so grateful that God has honored our covenant and kept us!  By the Grace of God we are still standing.  It has been an amazing journey learning and experiencing Love in a way that I've never known it before, and I would not change a thing.
During our time away I kept saying, "God what are you doing?" We just kept having these God moments, divine connections, rearranging of our plans. It didn't take us long to see, and yield to God's plan and purpose for our being in Las Vegas. 
We were blessed to spend time with our other spiritual parents, The King & Queen Simpson!!! They were so gracious to greet us at the airport and taking the time to love on us.  I mean such beautiful people, and absolutely hilarious; they had us laughing so hard!  Sunday morning we were led to be a part of the service at Destined For Glory and OMG the presence of the Lord was in the house!  The Word of God flowed richly from the mouth of Pastor Tony Howard, we witnessed the healing power of Jesus breaking the chains off of the lives of His people.  We left refueled as the word of the Lord was spoken over our lives.  The hospitality of Pastor Tony and Lady Kathy was amazing and the words of Life even more amazing. 

Now you know we didn't leave Vegas without hitting the strip!!! We walked and walked and walked some more! My feet, legs, thighs, and everything else was wore out, but we had a blast! And yes, that Mr. Keith "Diddy" Litmon can sho nuff shop!!! We had to stop in every single sneaker store on the strip! Whew.....the life of a Basketball Wife!  LOL! 

We came back home refreshed and renewed, again seeking God for divine instructions and directions; trusting in God with all of our hearts, leaning not to our own understanding, in all of our ways acknowledging Him knowing that He will direct our paths.  We are ready!  Living the LIVE Experience~

Here is a small clip from my time of ministry at Destined for Glory.  I pray this blesses you!

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  1. I know you had an AWESOME time! I LOVE Vegas!!!! I've never ministered there before, but am looking forward to it!!! 2014 here WE come!!!!

  2. Yes we did!!! Yes ma'am....... 2014 here WE come!

  3. Yes we did!!! Yes ma'am....... 2014 here WE come!

  4. Awesome Jodi!!!!! I love you and sooooo proud of you and this ministry. Keep blessing god's people.. The Kingdom needs you and the enemy is terrified!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much for your words of Life and encouragement! I so desire to fulfill Kingdom purpose and be a blessing to God's people! We will continue to lift up one another!!! Blessings my brother!


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