Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Seasons, Time, and Change

It's A New Season
It's A New Day
Fresh Anointing Is Coming My Way
It's A Season Of Power and Prosperity
It's A New Season Coming To Me!

Little did I know that when I posted this on facebook last week that I would not be able to shake it!
I knew that I would have to write about it!  There are so many spiritual nuggets that can be dissected from the natural process of seasons.  Seasons are all around us.  It is one of the things that God established to coincide with time.  Seasons and time work directly, both hand in hand.  Seasons indicate the change and movement of life, where time indicates the rhythm of life.

There are four seasons in a year and God made that clear in the beginning.  We see it as we look at Genesis 8:22 "While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease."  These are the words that God spoke after the flood, making a covenant with creation.  We also see in Ecclesiastes 3:1  "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."  So as I stated before, seasons and time work directly both hand in hand.
I knew that if God had me search this thing out that there was something he wanted me to know.  I thought I knew a little something, but there was more revelation that came and the download was coming faster than I could get it out.
 I began to ask questions like:  
What is the purpose of seasons?  
Seasons come to produce change.  There is always a purpose for every season in the earth and in our lives.  There is no season without change, which is where the ability to adapt and make changes are so vital to our growth.  As I'm typing I'm sitting here shaking my head, because I personally don't like change!  Maybe there are some of you that get really excited about things being shaken up, moved around, or shifted in your environment, but I must admit that would not be me.  
Then..........I got a revelation! 
The light bulb went off in my head!
I had an Aha moment!
"There is nothing that happens without change!" 
"There is no new, no next level, there is no greater without change."

Well, that provoked my next question:  
What makes the seasons change and why do the seasons change?
I was reminded that the earth's tilt and orbit around the sun causes the seasons to change. As the earth moves around its orbit, when it is tilted towards the sun it receives a higher concentration of the sun's energy that produces summer, and when it is tilted away it receives less energy producing winter.
Tilting, orbiting, shifting, changing, these are all words that I've heard before, but what does it mean to me? God I just want the NEW!! Doesn't that sound familiar? Like, just let me have the blessing?  Do I have to go through the process(ing), the adjusting, the character refining to be and to have? Yes! It is the process of movement that allows us to enter into that New place, that New season that God has purposed for our lives.

So the questions kept coming:
How do you know when the seasons are changing?
We know the seasons are changing by the length of day and night, as well as the change in the climate. The birds know when to migrate, plants and flowers know when to bloom, and leaves know when to fall based on anticipating and being able to feel when the seasons have changed! When I saw this I was like WoW! Everything that God created can feel and anticipate the change of the seasons and know what to do based on the climate, the change in the weather, the shifting of the atmosphere!  As God's creative created beings it is first nature to know, to feel, to breath, and respond to the perfect timing of God for each season in our lives; however, we so often miss the time and the timing of migration.  I believe therein lies our frustration with God for not getting what we believe is our blessing.  Could it be that the blessing was there, already in place, but we failed to sense the change in the climate; hence, not migrating to where the blessing had been strategically placed?  As a believer we don't take leave of our senses; however, I believe that the Holy Spirit heightens our ability to hear, see, feel, and sense the times and the seasons in our lives. There are more nuggets that I could share, but I will end here with this short blog!

Father God I thank you for you undying for love for us and your desire for us to prosper in every area of our lives.  God I thank you for the purpose and plan that you have for us as your children.  I pray that you would cause us to know and understand the seasons and times that we may fulfill your will for our lives.

I pray that this song blesses you today!

 ****If the Heart of Worship Blog has blessed you, please feel free to share it with others on Facebook, Twitter, or Email, by clicking on the tab below! I would love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to post your comments, as well as become a subscriber  down below!****


  1. Oooohhhhhh! Yes, this is gooooooddd! I didn't like change either because to me it represented chaos and instability, but God! Metamorphosis! This is what He told me....There is no chaos and instability in the changingof the seasons or when you are being morphed into what GOD had set forth! Its strategically planned! Our steps are ORDERED! As long as it's Him for He is NOT the author of confusion! Gooooood stuffff Motha!

    1. That is good right there! There was so much more that God had given me but I just had to unplug! I think I will have to come back for part 2!

  2. This... THIS!!!
    I had to add somethings in this blog in my prayer today. The timing, the seasons. It's funny that we seem like the last beings on earth to recognize change and seasons. All the other creatures do but that's how they live. Each season has a purpose to them and each season allows them to prepare for the next season but OH NO! NOT US! We whine and die because we lack attention in this area. We are so focused on the happenings in the season that we lose ear focus and don't hear what God is saying in that season. That's how it has been for me. I don't want to be like the dumb virgins... I want my oil lamp ready!
    Thanks for this godsissy!!!

    1. Baby GodSissy I was just sharing that very thing with someone just a moment ago! Everything in creation recognizes the change in the seasons except for us! It was first nature for us to know........until the fall! Since then we have been trying to work our way back.

      Thank you so much for reading and leaving your comments! Please feel free to share! Love you bunches!


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