Thursday, July 3, 2014

"LIVE LeftOvers" Mexican Omelete

"LIVE LeftOvers" 
Mexican Omelet

In the recent weeks I have been posting pics of some of my creative meals.  Well, the other day I had someone suggest that I should do a cooking blog!  At the first thought I was very hesitant,
but the more I thought about it, I decided to give it a try!

So today I am going to show you how you can "LIVE with your LeftOvers,
hence what I call "LIVE LeftOvers!"
Due to my diagnosis I have been trying to Eat Better 
so that I can LIVE Better.
It is my goal to use more healthy and organic ingredients without sacrificing flavor.

There have been times that my cabinets and refrigerator has been lean, 
and I had to learn something call "creative cooking."  
I believe some of my best meals have been the ones
where I pulled together a little of this and a little of that 
and threw it in the pot!
As I was thinking about what I would eat for breakfast this morning my creative juices started flowing.
 I began to take mental inventory of the ingredients I had in my kitchen.
Well, I decided to LIVE in the moment and make a Mexican Omelet, 
which I would create from the remainder of my taco ingredients that I had leftover from dinner last night!

Start by whisking 3 eggs, adding a dash of greek seasoning
Preheat your skillet on medium heat, and spray it with olive oil
Add the whisked eggs to your heated skillet

Take a moment to heat your ground turkey mixture so that it's not cold inside of the omelet
As your eggs start to slowly cook add your ground turkey, diced onions, and diced roma tomatoes to the middle of the omelet
Once the eggs start to bubble carefully fold one side of the eggs to cover the ingredients inside of the omelet

Allow the omelet to cook for another minute or two and then remove from your skillet and place on a plate
For the finale, garnish the omelet with a dollop of salsa along with tomato basil feta cheese

This was truly a great quick breakfast!!!!
Mr. Litmon gave this a 2 Thumbs Up!!!

Let me know if you try it out 
and definitely feel free to put your own spin on it!

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