Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Worship: How Is It More Than A Song?

I'm coming back to the Heart of Worship where it's all about you Jesus!

I'm coming back..................back to a place where I've been before, to the place I was at one point and time!  I'm coming back to a place that I walked away from.  As a matter of fact, why did I leave the place that I once longed for, the place that I craved for, the place that I panted and thirsted for, the place that caused me to be most fulfilled?  Why did I allow the cares of life, my selfish ambitions and desires, and my outside relationships to distract me and keep me from your presence?
Your presence, that place of refreshing!  The place where the water of worship covered me and allowed me to drink from deep wells, quenching the insatiable thirst in my soul. The place where my heart sought to please you and exalt you higher than worship itself.  The place where I worshiped you until you poured your song of love out over me!

I mean, I didn't walk away from God! I'm still saved! But I know that I have allowed other things to get my attention, and now God and I don't meet like we used to.  I don't find myself lingering in his presence waiting to hear His voice in the cool of the day.  So what happened?

There are many things that come to pull us away from that place that is reserved and sacred between you and God, but once His presence has been your dwelling place, nothing else will satisfy!

Yes, I'm coming back!  I'm coming back to the Heart of Worship where it's all about OBEDIENCE!  Not just the raising of my hands, singing my favorite song, or even offering God what I think He wants, but coming to the place where my heart seeks to please and obey God.  Now don't get me wrong, I know our expression of praise and worship definitely has it's place, but if we're talking about God's response to worship and the worshiper, it's starts all the way at the beginning, in Genesis!

After my good friend Mr. Lawrence Floyd gave me this topic to blog about, I began to think about just how vast the subject of worship really is.  I've had the opportunity to read many books and hear many views on the subject of worship, but I haven't heard many teach us that our worship begins with OBEDIENCE!  I believe that the highest form of worship that we can offer to our God is a lifestyle of obedience, which is the worship that God responds to!

After looking and searching in the word of God, I realized that the first time we see the word "worship" mentioned is in the book of Genesis, chapter 22 verse 5.   And Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; the lad[a] and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.”
It was in Genesis 22 verse 1 where the words says that God tested Abraham, calling him by name, and Abraham responded, "Here I Am."  God told Abraham to take your only son, that you love, and go to the land of Moriah (the place) and offering him as a burnt offer him on the mountain that I tell you!  Abraham never exchanged words with God, but rose up early in the morning with Issac and his servants.  He prepared the wood for the offering and waited to hear from God as to where he would go to offer Isaac up as a sacrifice.  It is in this passage that we see the ultimate act of Obedience and Trust that equates to worship! 

This is why I say that worship is more than a song, but a lifestyle of obedience.  It is simply offering God what he has required of you and trusting that Jehovah Jireh will make provision for the sacrifice!  It's not what we offer up that matters as much as being willing to present to God the requested sacrifice.  
Today I ask you, what has God required of you that you have struggled to lay on the altar?  I could name a lot of things, but only you know!  You see our worship is personal, and even more so when God is dealing with our hearts.  I implore you to bring God more than a song or a waive offering, but fully commit to Him your heart through an authentic lifestyle of worship.  It's not enough enough to offer up strange fire, but to bring God a set apart life, a sacrificial offering that is pleasing to him.  A life that when going through the fiery furnace of affliction offers up a sweet aroma.

Today I'm coming back to the place where my worship touches the Heart of God and causes Him to respond!
God I'll bring you more than a song
For a song in itself is not what you have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart!
I'm coming back to the Heart of Worship where it's all about you Jesus!

I pray that this song blesses you~

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