Saturday, July 27, 2013

Do You Know What Today Is? It's Our Anniversary!

Five (5) years ago my husband and I stood before our family and friends to join together as one.  It was on July 27, 2008 that Keith and I made a covenant commitment to love one another, to serve one another, and to serve God in our marriage.
My husband of 5yrs has proven to be the one that God has for me, and more than that he has proven to be my prince charming, my angel, my king, and my friend!  I am so very blessed to have him as my life partner, my covering, and my friend. 

He has brought so much peace, joy, and laughter to my life!  He has stood by me in sickness and in health!  His love for me has been more than I could have imagined, and the way that he looks at me.............there is no mistaking that he adores me!
  I know that God loves me because He sent the most amazing gift to me in the person of my husband, Mr. Keith "Diddy" Litmon! 
 Keith, I want you to know that I Love you and I thank you so much for teaching me how to Love and to be Loved! You have blessed my life in so many ways!  More than that, you have embraced everything that I cherish and hold dear! You are an amazing husband, father, and friend! You have supported me in every endeavor and have brought great stability to my life!
 I salute you and celebrate you for being man enough for me, man enough to stand up with me and for me, and man enough to stick and stay! I love what you said to me before we got married, "divorce is not an option, and I'm not going nowhere!" Litmon ILuvu2Life!
#TEAMLITMON In the Building!


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