Who daily loads us with benefits! In my mind I would say, "ok, thank you Lord for daily loading me with benefits." After which I would go on about my day. I would come to a difficult point where it seemed like I just couldn't make my ends meet, and I would hear, Blessed be the Lord,
Who daily loads us with benefits! At that point I would begin to feel the stress roll off of me, and that reassuring voice of my Daddy that says, "I Got You!" He reminded me that it gives Him pleasure to bless me, to bless His children and to load us with good things. So after hearing this word in my spirit over the last couple of weeks I decided to go back and really look at the verse.
Psalm 68:19 says, "Blessed be the Lord,
Who daily loads us with benefits,
The God of our salvation! Selah............(pause, and calmly think of that)
That's exactly what I did. I began to pause and calmly think, and this passage blessed my socks off! The more I thought about it the more excited I got! "My Daddy Daily Loads Me With Benefits!"
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Blisssfully happy and joyfully contented is our sovereign ruler and king, the one of importance, that constantly day after day, lavishly and abundantly supplies His people with good things, gifts, blessings, worth, and favor! WOW! SELAH...... I'm like God that's what you're saying in that verse?!?! That's what you desire to do for me? No! Better than that, that's what you do for us your children!
The more I read that, the more excited I got, just to think that it makes God joyful to weigh us down with good gifts and rewards every day!
There are so many blessings that God grants to us everyday, but we don't always see them because of focusing on the things that we don't have. And if we are truthful, it's not that we don't have, it's more so that we're not happy with what we have, or we want more! The older I get the more I am learning that the things I once made a big fuss over are things that don't really matter. Now don't get me wrong, there are some promises that I am waiting on God to fulfill, and there are some desires that I have, but I won't allow any of that to get me off track and lose sight of all the wonderful things that God has done and is doing on a daily basis. When I find myself slipping into that place of frustration about what I don't have, or doubting that He will come through, that is when I cause myself to remember that My Daddy Got Me, and that He is Daily loading and overflowing me with gifts and favor! Then I remember that according to Psalm 103:2 I am required to Bless (bestow honor and praise) the Lord, O My Soul, and forget not His Benefits (good things, gits, worth, and favor)! What a great place for a praise break! God I bless you! I honor you! I love and adore You!!!!
God causes me to see that the benefits are life, health, strength, healing, family, friendships, peace, rest, love, grace, sunshine, rain, favor with God and men, provision, the activity of my limbs, food, clothes, shelter, protection for my family, mercy, salvation, true relationship with the Father, the gift of music and song, understanding of His word, the heart of worship, and so much more!!!!!
I don't know what you stand in need of today or even what you are believing God for, but my prayer for you today is that you would see the blessings that Daddy God has placed all around you today and everyday!
Please join me in this prayer:
Father in the Name of Jesus, I want to take this time to Thank you for my life and for waking me today. God I thank you that you Love me so much and that you daily load me with good things. Please forgive me for not seeing the blessings all around me. From this point I choose to to see my blessings and thank you daily. In Jesus Name Amen!
I don't know what you stand in need of today or even what you are believing God for, but my prayer for you today is that you would see the blessings that Daddy God has placed all around you today and everyday!
Please join me in this prayer:
Father in the Name of Jesus, I want to take this time to Thank you for my life and for waking me today. God I thank you that you Love me so much and that you daily load me with good things. Please forgive me for not seeing the blessings all around me. From this point I choose to to see my blessings and thank you daily. In Jesus Name Amen!
I pray this song blesses you today..............
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