Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I Trust You

I was awakened at 6:30am by a text message! I rolled over to look at my phone it was The "Queen!"  I'm thinking to myself, what could she be texting me about this early in the morning! I looked at my phone and saw that she sent me an audio text and I'm like great, I still don't have to open my eyes.  After listening and pondering on what she had sent in her message I lay there for a while just thinking.  I'm really wanting to go right back to sleep, but I just keep thinking...........

I start going through a laundry list of things that are on my plate, and in my thoughts I begin to become overwhelmed.  My mind is going a mile a minute and it doesn't stop until I fall back off to sleep.  I finally doze back off to sleep and then my alarm goes off!!!  I hit the snooze button, turn on Daystar, and wait for Bishop Jakes to come on. Whew, I must have been really tired this morning, because I kept hitting the snooze button and falling back to sleep; needless to say, I don't remember a thing Bishop Jakes preached this morning!

I finally got up and I sat on the edge of the bed and took a moment to gather my thoughts. I turned the channel to the news, turned on Pandora, and proceeded to get ready for work.  When I went in the bathroom I began to pray as I always do:  it has become one of my favorite places to meet with My Father.  I started to verbally talk to Him about my situation and what I needed him to do, and in my prayer I began to say, "God if you don't do it, it can't and won't be done, but I trust you!"  I trust you with my finances, I trust you with my marriage, my children, my life, with all of me! It seemed almost immediately the song "I Trust You"  started to play! Now this is not a song that I would consider one of my favorites, but it was what I needed right in that very moment!  I know that God hears my prayers, but right then and there was a GOD Moment for me! I knew that He was right there, continuing to be the faithful prayer answering God that He is!  Suddenly a peace came over me, where my mind had been racing!!!!  Again, I was assured that God knows what I have need of even before I ask (Matt 6:31-34).

I don't know what you're facing today, but I just want you to know that God is a prayer answering God, and that He knows what we have need of even before we ask!  We simply have to be willing to put all of our hope and trust in Him!  If He did it before, He can do it again!

I pray this song blesses you~

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