Thursday, May 23, 2013

Producing the Fruit of Gratitude & Thanks

I started this blog with the intent and desire to share my Heart, my Hope, and my Life! At one point and time that wouldn't have been the easiest thing for me to do for various reasons, but now I understand that it's not just about me, and sharing my life is what I must do! That definitely means being transparent and opening myself up for others to see into my heart, glean from my life, and eat from my tree!  So the fruit that I'm producing today is Thanks and Gratitude!

  Recently I have been having some issues with my phone and my charger, and as a result my phone died during the night.  Since I use my phone as an alarm, and it didn't go off, I woke up about 30 minutes later than usual, causing me to miss my morning manna from Bishop Jakes.  I found myself rushing to get ready and my daily routine was now thrown off.  My husband is usually at work by the time I start to get ready in the morning, but it was his day off so he was still asleep.  So now, I'm not only behind, but I'm stumbling around in the dark and failing miserably at keeping quiet.

I head off to my sanctuary; however, I'm not feeling my best, I'm a little jaded.  I can feel that my body is off!  I keep moving forward in an effort to pull myself together, and as I begin to brush my teeth my heart is filling up with gratitude and thanksgiving.  I start thinking, "God I am so blessed!" I'm realizing in that moment that it was not my alarm that woke me up on time this morning, but it was the goodness and faithfulness of God!  I went to turn on the shower and there came another place of praise, "God I thank you for hot running water."  I begin to think of others who have received the same diagnosis as myself that can't step into the shower alone and bathe themselves, and again the words "Thank You" start to flow out of my mouth.  
Although I was moving a little slower than normal this morning, it didn't stop my praise!!! The praise that flows from my heart of gratitude and thanksgiving!  I have learned and I am still learning to take every opportunity to find a place of gratitude!  Everything may not be looking good or feeling good, but when I am thankful in everything the will of God for my life is being fulfilled!
I'm sure that we all have some things in our lives that we could complain about, or that we would simply like to be better.  I know that I have some things I have been praying to change, but I have come to realize the more I focus on the situations that I can't change, the larger the problem becomes in my mind!  My heart of gratitude redirects my focus and energy and causes me to change until my situation catches up with my mindset!
  • Today I want to encourage you to find a place of gratitude; not in place of your situation, but in spite of your situation.
  • Take a minute to count your blessings
  • What are three (3) things that you have to be thankful for?  
  • Please remember a heart of gratitude always proceeds your miracle.

I pray that this song blesses you today! 

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1 comment:

  1. Love it! Bless God for all of His many blessings to us! Thank you for sharing!


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