Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"TIME"........Marching, Beating, Ticking!

I haven't written anything in a couple of days
So many thoughts running through my mind not sure of what I want to say
I feel my heart filling up, my emotions are stirring overflowing my cup
My cup that contains my words that connects you to my joy, my peace, my sadness, my love
My cup that is brewed with time and patience offering up an aroma with just the right amount of everything
Everything that mixes right well in the pot
All the things that makes the first sip hit the spot
All the things that make you say hmmmmmm...... meditate and pause, yes sit back, relax, and take a pause for the cause
Just because I can, I want to, I need to!
Let life do what it's going to do, but not let it overtake me, consume me, subdue me, or be rude to me
I take a deep breath so that I can be a wise player in the game, sit back and take note of it's name, see which way the game of life is played 
Study my words, know my opponent, load my arsenal, and be ready to aim
Aim for the target, no time to miss, time the precious commodity, I recognize and see it as my gift
It came in marching, marching in time. Time keeps on ticking, I must get in sync or be left behind
I hear the beat of the drum, I connect my step with a hum and the drum that just keeps moving, moving, moving, moving
And I join my heart to the beat that keeps on beating, beating, beating
And time just keeps on marching, beating, ticking..................
into the future!

"Lord Teach Me to Number My Days"

Living The Live Experience~

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